ANGLISIDES VILLAGE The beautiful village of Anglisidesis built 17 kilometers southwest of the city of Larnaca. The community of Anglisidesis located on the western side of Larnaca, between the city of Larnaca and the community of Kofinouand south of Mount Stavrovouni. It is a village full of olive trees which have been dominating the area for hundreds of years. A special place among the beauties of the village is held by the age-long olive tree which has been standing like a sleepless guard on the land of Anglisidesfor 700 years. The Project Investment project for sale in Anglisidesvillage, consisting of a residential complex of 52 fully detached luxurious 2 and 3 bedroom villas and 1 of 4 bedroom villa. Amenities block in the center with tennis court, swimming pool, gym, and restaurant café. The complex will have a private road, pavements, lighting, a park and a greenery area which blends nicely with the natural environment.